My Story
Lovemore was born during the apartheid era in the shantytown of Nancefield, on the outskirts of Musina, formerly known as Messina, in South Africa. As a child growing up in Zimbabwe and South Africa, Lovemore experienced poverty and the injustices of the apartheid system, witnessed atrocities committed against his family and community, was a victim of police brutality and saw his best friend gunned down in a street protest. Yet, against all odds, he succeeded and rose through the ranks to become a boxing world champion and then a successful lawyer, while making Australia his home.
Apartheid was one of the greatest evils faced by people of colour in South Africa. It was an era of darkness in South Africa. An era in which black people were treated as savages in their own country of origin. They were rated as not being intellectually the same as white people. Justice looked different for blacks as it did for whites. The police system was created to police blacks while it served whites.
Blacks were exposed to the Bantu educational system which was created to serve the interests of white supremacy while white education was more advanced.
Lovemore is a former boxing world champion, an Australian Boxing Hall of Fame inductee, the Principal Solicitor at Lovemore Lawyers specialising in the areas of Family Law, Criminal Law and Human Rights Law. He is an academic with seven university degrees to his name, ranging from Law, Communication, Human Rights, Policy, International Law and Politics. He is also an author and a highly trained Infantry Soldier who served as a reservist in the Australian Defence Force.
He also served on the Law Advisory Committee at the University of Wollongong.
Lovemore is a political activist who provides pro-bono services to indigenous people in Australia. According to Lovemore, the ‘incarceration rate of Aboriginal people in Australia is disproportionate and there appear to be significant injustices visited upon them on a systematic basis.’
“I have painful memories of my upbringing in South Africa where injustice was rife, and I am determined to do my bit to aid Australia’s Indigenous folk in any way I can to make sure they are treated with respect and equanimity under the law; hence I take on a number of pro bono cases each year, particularly for Indigenous people.”
He was also involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, a social movement focused largely on fighting racism and police brutality against Black people. He also features in the “WE BLEED THE SAME” exhibition, an anti-racism exhibition and documentary supported by the Freilich Project at the Australian National University.
“By standing up against police brutality and racism against Black people, it does not mean other lives don’t matter. All lives matter but history shows that Black people have been the main targets of police brutality over the years and they continue to be subjected to racial-profiling,”
“Just as I take a strong stance against racism and police brutality against blacks, I also take a very strong stance against reverse racism, farm attacks and murders which target mostly whites.”
“Racism diminishes you right to the core and shatters your self-esteem. Being told you’re worthless because of the colour of your skin ultimately undermines you, no matter how resilient you might think you are,”
“The ANC has failed the people and, in the process, created a new form of apartheid. The key difference is that the current unofficial apartheid is not legislated, yet it has an enormous impact on the people. Apartheid doesn’t have to be written into legislation to exist. If, for example, you thwart someone from excelling because of their age, gender, race or sexual preference then it’s a form of apartheid.”
Commitment, honesty and integrity. He wants access and opinions. He wants people like you to gather the people you think share your passion for building a better South Africa. People who have solutions to the problems South Africa faces. Time is of the essence and putting together the Plan as soon as possible is critical. The process will be transparent and accountable, with decisions being scrutinised by an ethics committee made up of well-respected professionals. Nobody will be above the committee. Especially Lovemore.
Lovemore is a visionary. A visionary wanting to lead South Africa. A visionary wanting a brighter future for all. A visionary who wants to keep Mandela’s dream alive and honour it. The dream that the rest of the world believed in.
Lovemore wants to build a better South Africa for all. A South Africa free from corruption. A South Africa that actually creates a better life for all South Africans. But he knows these are just words.
He knows that it is going to take a lot of really smart people to save the country from the disaster it is facing. His mission is to fix things. To assemble the best minds to tackle the problems head on. And to make sure that group of people are free from corruption and their own agendas.
“For too long now decisions on key infrastructure have been made by corruptible people. And bids have been won by companies who are okay with it all. Companies who are okay with lining their own pockets at the expense of the people. Often these are not the right companies for the job and billions of taxpayers’ money gets wasted. And progress is stalled, while the country slides closer to anarchy. It is time to put a stop to this nonsense.”
Lovemore wants to surround himself with experts, not corrupt politicians. He wants to get the best minds onto the most pressing issues. He wants to tap into the many heavy hitting people who want South Africa to succeed. Not people who want to make gains at the expense of ordinary South Africans. People who genuinely care. People who’ve been excluded from the solution because they’re not prepared to be corrupt.
Lovemore is not afraid to take on the present powers. The politicians and business people who are plundering the nation’s coffers that should be used for building the country will be on notice.
He will call them out and offer the voters solutions to build a better South Africa. He’ll be the face of the Plan. The plan to rebuild South Africa.
“The people of South Africa need a future. A future that provides some sort of security. They need to know what the plan is. They need something to get behind. The current political landscape isn’t offering a way forward. It isn’t offering any hope. The narrative is stuck on corruption but not a lot is being done about it.”
“The simply answer is, unlike the current government of the ANC and other opposition parties, who are non-committal, unconcerned and uncaring about doing what needs doing and continue to fail to adequately serve the people’s basic needs, let alone their higher aspirations, yet spectacularly indulges the leadership elite, I will commit to pre-election promises and deliver.
“Unlike the rest of the current politicians in South Africa, I care about the welfare, well-being and betterment of the people of South Africa, irrespective of party affiliation, gender or race.
“I am willing to comply with and be guided by the principles of good governance such as accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, and upholding and promoting the rule of law. These all ring hollow right now.
During the political struggle of the apartheid years, with much blood spilt and many lives lost, the idea was that once South Africa become a democratic state, and its people gained freedom, it would be a country for all to live in harmony irrespective of race, gender, religious or political beliefs.
There would be a government for the people by the people, liberty, equality and freedom of speech, the embodiment of an ideal democracy. We would turn our backs on the division and conflict caused by apartheid. South Africans would share the wealth and there would be an equal distribution of national resources, thereby improving everybody’s lives.
The African National Congress (ANC) promised much, and ignited hope and optimism. It pledged free health care for all, in particular pregnant women and young children.
It pledged free school meals for children in need, electricity and clean water, free and better education, land for rural communities, economic growth, implementation of the rule of law, to mention just a few items from the to-do list.
But, instead, we have a country that is at the brink of collapse. A country that is sliding towards an abyss.
We have nepotism, broken promises and a failure to honour, stand by and commit to election pronouncements and proclamations. We have a fractured educational system and there continue to be wide discrepancies and shortfalls in education.
So, where is the better life and education that the ANC promised? The ANC has had 30 years to prove itself but has failed in every way. Do you want another 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or 30 years of a failed government? We can do so much better. If you want a country for all to live in harmony irrespective of race, gender, religious or political beliefs then vote for and support Lovemore.
“Please do not be fooled to think that a change of leadership in the ANC or a reshuffle of its cabinet will bring change in South Africa. It is the same leadership with the same Ministers who will continue to endorse and promote the same failed policies of the ANC,” Lovemore says.
The ANC leaders turned into exactly what Chris Hani, the former chief of staff of the armed wing of the ANC, feared they might turn into when he made the comment:
“What I fear is that the liberators emerge as the elitists who drive around in Mercedes Benzes and use the resources of this country to live in palaces and to gather riches.”
Well, not only do they live in palaces hidden behind high walls, but their pets also dine on the finest cuisines while the basic needs of ordinary South Africans are not met.
It is heartbreaking that nearly three decades since the first democratic elections some people still have to rely on the bucket sanitation system. They are still living hand to mouth. Children are drowning in dilapidated pit toilets while women and young females are left to resort to prostitution to feed their families.
People voted for the ANC in the hope that it would deliver compassion and a way up the ladder for the poor. But it is non-committal, unconcerned and uncaring about doing what needs doing. It continues to fail to adequately serve the people’s basic needs, let alone their higher aspirations, yet spectacularly indulges the leadership elite.
It is time that we come together and stand as one to bring an immediate change of leadership, otherwise the country will soon reach such a low point, economically, that it might never fully recover.
South Africa is such a beautiful country, rich in mineral resources and if properly governed the basic needs of the ordinary people should be met.
“People are not asking for much. As a matter of fact, their expectations are very modest. They are only asking for their basic needs to be met. Basic needs such as clean water, electricity, jobs with basic salaries and jobs that will not be outsourced based on colour and/or political affiliations.
They are merely asking for an improved public health system, better education, better and affordable homes and a better policing system to eliminate crime. I can deliver all of the above if you vote for me”
The elimination of crime will restore potential investor’s trust and confidence thereby creating more business and job opportunities for the people of South Africa.
People are asking for a South Africa where our children, women, the elderly and farmers are protected from crime. A South Africa that will take a stance against the abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation of South Africans who live with disability. Lovemore can fix this.
The farm killings need to stop. Gender-based violence needs to stop. The rape of our women and children need to stop. Reverse racism needs to end. These are just some of the few reasons why you need to vote for Lovemore. Together with Lovemore, we can expose the culprits who are stealing from the people and destroying this beautiful country.